
lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Death Becomes Her Exhibit

"Black is becoming; a young widows, fair, plump, and smiling, with their roguish eyes sparkling under their black veils are very seducing.

Robert De Valcourt, The Illustrated Manners Book, 1885


"She was a beginning to find that everyone had an air of remoteness; she seemed to see people and life through the confusing blur of the long crape veil in which it was a widow's duty to shroud her affliction"
Edith Wharton, New York Day, 1870's

"The scots shut themselves up in total darkness, wear veils, I know not how many folds, but so black that sitting beside them you could not tell whether it is a broomstick dressed up or what it is."

Elizabeth Emma Stuart, 1856

Queen Victoria

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